Tuesday, October 21, 2014

HOW TO LOVE - Tip #5 - 6

Tips on How to Love (1-6)

6. SHOW AFFECTION:  Everyone needs to be touched at some point.  A tender touch, warm embrace of "hello" and "good-bye" tingles right to the heart.  Take the time to also do unexpected moments of affection.  Nothing says LOVE like butterflies from that unexpected touch.  And, NEVER ...even in an argument keep affection from a person.  This is hurtful behavior.
5. BE ALLOWING:  Give the other the freedom to live, breathe, have their own passions.   Yes, without your control, without your judgement, without your retributions.  Allow them to grow, make mistakes, learn, evolve, be their own person (not a mirror image of you).  Don't smolder their light....enhance their shine!
4. BE AFFIRMING: Value, Appreciate and Honor your Love. Let them know you hold them in high esteem. They are appreciated ...valued!
3. OFFER EMOTIONAL SAFETY: Give unconditional loving acceptance, Make sure you love the person for exactly who they are - and that is ENOUGH!
2. BE OPEN: Be approachable, Be emotionally available, Discuss what is happening in your life, Honest, timely appropriate openness and disclosure builds trust and intimacy. Sets up for wonderful communication skills!
1. PAY ATTENTION: Be Present, Be Engaged, Make Eye Contact, Listen & Remember what the other person says, likes, wants and NEEDS. (don't be thinking what you are going to say back while he/she is talking)
Much Love,
Debbie Forth / Love Coach / Speaker / LGBT Love Advocate
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